En Ucrania acogen con beneplácito la decisión del Consejo Permanente de la OSCE, aprobada hoy, el 22 de marzo, sobre la prórroga por 12 meses, hasta el 31 de marzo de 2019, del mandato de la Misión Especial de Monitoreo de la OSCE (SMM) en Ucrania.
Al apoyar esta decisión, los estados participantes de la OSCE mostraron su disponibilidad de seguir apoyando nuestro país en su lucha contra la agresión de la Federación de Rusia, la cual violó las normas básicas del derecho internacional y los principios fundamentales de la OSCE, previstos por el Acta Final de Helsinki de la CSCE de 1975.
La Misión juega un papel importante contribuyendo al arreglo pacífico de la situación en el Donbás sobre la base del respeto a la independencia, la soberanía, la unidad política y la integridad territorial de Ucrania.
El mandato de la SMM abarca todo el territorio de Ucrania dentro de los límites de sus fronteras internacionalmente reconocidas. En este sentido, la delegación de Ucrania en la OSCE en su respectiva declaración de interpretación hizo un hincapié en la necesidad de que la Misión realice el monitoreo de la situación en la República Autónoma de Crimea y la ciudad de Sebastópol, en particular, en la esfera de los derechos humanos.
Llamamos a la Federación de Rusia a tomar todas las medidas para asegurar el acceso libre, constante e sin trabas, así como la libertad de movimiento, para los observadores de la Misión en todos los territorios temporalmente ocupados de la península de Crimea y en las regiones de Donetsk y Luhansk, incluso con la parte de la frontera estatal ucraniano-rusa, que está temporalmente fuera del control ucraniano.
By the delegation of Ukraine:
“Mr. Chairperson,
In connection with the PC Decision on the extension of the mandate of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, the Delegation of Ukraine would like to make the following interpretative statement under paragraph IV.1 (A) 6 of the Rules of Procedure of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Ukraine expresses its gratitude to the OSCE participating States for supporting the request of the Government of Ukraine to extend the mandate of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission for the next period of twelve months.
The Government of Ukraine regards the adoption of this decision as the expression of continued readiness of the Organization to assist the country in countering the severe consequences of the aggression pursued by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in breach of imperative norms of international law, the Helsinki Final Act, bilateral and multilateral agreements, which guarantee Ukraine’s territorial integrity, inviolability of borders and non-intervention in internal affairs of Ukraine.
We expect the SMM to act in strict compliance with its mandate and to maintain close contact with the authorities of the host country on the priorities of its activities.
We see as critically important the role of the OSCE and the SMM in facilitating a peaceful resolution in Donbas with full respect to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, political unity and territorial integrity as well as in seeking
de-occupation of the Crimean peninsula.
Ukraine firmly supports the SMM in accomplishing its tasks relating to monitoring the implementation of relevant provisions of the Minsk agreements, which include the Protocol and Memorandum of September 2014 and the Package of Measures of February 2015.
The SMM must have the necessary human resources and technical means to perform effective monitoring and verification in the conflict-affected part of Donbas, including along the segment of the state border controlled by the Russian Federation. We encourage effective use of available assets, including the long-range UAVs.
The OSCE monitors must have full and unhindered access throughout Ukraine’s territory, which includes the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
The Government of Ukraine reiterates its original interpretative statement appended to the Permanent Council Decision No. 1117 of 21 March 2014 which remains in force. The mandate of the mission covers the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. We encourage the SMM to use available instruments for carrying out monitoring of the situation including in the human rights domain in the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine.
The Delegation of Ukraine requests that this statement be attached to the decision and recorded in the journal of the day.
Thank you, Mr. Chairperson.”