Comentario del MRE de Ucrania con relación a la decisión del Consejo Permanente de la OSCE sobre la prórroga del mandato de la Misión de observadores de la OSCE en dos puestos de control rusos “Gukovo” y “Donetsk”
04 mayo 2018 17:58

Al apoyar la prórroga del mandato de la Misión de observadores en dos puestos de control rusos “Gukovo” y “Donetsk”, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Ucrania expresa su profunda decepción de que Rusia siga siendo el único país en la OSCE que bloquea constantemente la ampliación del mandato de la Misión a toda la extensión de la frontera adyacente al territorio temporalmente ocupado de algunas áreas de las regiones de Donetsk y Luhansk.

La discusión durante la 1184ª reunión del Consejo Permanente de la OSCE, que tuvo lugar el 3 de mayo de 2018, donde fue adoptada la decisión mencionada, mostró el aislamiento de Rusia en su negación de asegurar un control internacional eficaz en la frontera. Tales acciones de la Federación de Rusia atestiguan su voluntad de seguir suministrando armamento pesado, equipos bélicos y municiones, así como tropas regulares y mercenarios con el fin de continuar respaldando la actividad terrorista en el territorio de Ucrania. En este sentido, al juntarse al consenso sobre la decisión, la Delegación Ucraniana en la OSCE hizo una declaración interpretativa correspondiente.

Instamos a Rusia a cumplir consecuentemente con sus obligaciones asumidas en el ámbito de los Acuerdos de Minsk, en particular, las estipulaciones del ítem 4 del Protocolo de Minsk del 5 de septiembre de 2014, que se refiere al establecimiento del monitoreo y la verificación constante, por parte de la OSCE, sobre el tramo temporalmente no controlado de la frontera estatal ucraniano-rusa, así como la creación de una zona de seguridad a lo largo de la frontera con Rusia, lo cual es de importancia crítica para lograr la de-escalada de la situación y el arreglo pacífico en el Donbás.


By the delegation of Ukraine:

„Mr. Chairperson,

In connection with the PC Decision on the extension of the deployment of OSCE observers to two Russian checkpoints on the Russian-Ukrainian Border, the delegation of Ukraine would like to make the following interpretative statement under paragraph IV.1 (A) 6 of the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The delegation of Ukraine reiterates the importance of the comprehensive and permanent OSCE monitoring on the Russian side of the Ukrainian-Russian border in zones adjacent to the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions which is critical for sustainable de-escalation and peaceful resolution of the international armed conflict started by Russia and taking place on the sovereign territory of Ukraine.

Having signed the Minsk Protocol of 5 September 2014, all signatories, including the Russian Federation, undertook to ensure permanent monitoring of the Ukrainian-Russian State border and its verification by the OSCE with the formation of a security zone in the border areas of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. This agreed measure has not yet been implemented.

We deeply regret that the Russian Federation persists in opposing expansion of the mandate of the OSCE Observer Mission at the Russian checkpoints “Gukovo” and “Donetsk” to all sections of the border that is temporarily not under control of the Ukrainian authorities. Such expansion enjoys support of the OSCE participating States, except the Russian Federation. Opposition of Russia can only be attributed to its unchanged position on continuing fueling the conflict in Ukraine’s Donbas, including by supplying heavy weapons, military equipment, regular troops, fighters and mercenaries, sponsoring and financing terrorist acts in the territory of Ukraine.

We emphasize that these actions by Russia constitute internationally wrongful acts, which entail the international responsibility of the Russian Federation. We reiterate our call on Russia to cease these acts, to offer appropriate assurances of their non-repetition, as well as to make full reparation for the injury caused thereby.

In this connection the delegation of Ukraine recalls that Russia has not responded to numerous requests for explanations on the OSCE SMM reported presence in the occupied parts of Donbas of modern Russian weapons and military equipment, including the jamming system R-330 “Zhitel”, heavy flame-thrower system “Buratino”, portable flame-thrower “Shmel”, “Grad P”, UAV “Orlan-10”, used exclusively by the Russian Armed Forces. Neither SMM nor OM at the Russian checkpoints “Gukovo” and “Donetsk” have verified the withdrawal of these sophisticated Russian weapons from the territory of Ukraine.

We call upon the Russian Federation to demonstrate its full commitment to the implementation of the Minsk arrangements in good faith and to allow proper and comprehensive permanent monitoring by the OSCE on the Russian side of the Ukrainian-Russian state border adjacent to the certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions with establishment of a security zone in border areas of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

The delegation of Ukraine requests that this statement be attached to the decision and registered in the journal of the day.

Thank you, Mr. Chairperson”.

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